
"Good health and good sense are two of life’s greatest blessings” -Pubilius Syrus

My name is Bryn and I am a full-fledged gemini from Honolulu, Hawaii. As a gemini, I wear many faces: enthusiastic cook, health and fitness fanatic, and full-time foodie, but most importantly, I’m human like you — trying to navigate through the craziness of this world and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Ever since I recovered from eating disorders, and repaired my relationship with myself and food through cooking, I've had an insatiable hunger to learn more about health and wellness which is where enrolling into IIN, the Institute of Integrative Nutrition came into the picture.
In response to learning more about how to cook healthier, more nutrient-dense foods for myself, Geminieats was born! I used to run a vegan meal prepping business where I help busy individuals eat a healthier, more whole plant-based diet without compromising flavor. Now, I create easy to follow recipes online for people to make at home. My goal is to inspire others to eat healthier without compromising their favorite foods or flavor.