Perspective from introspection

You’re been cooped up inside of your house for what seems like an eternity now and you’re sick of feeling sluggish from the endless unhealthy snacking. In the beginning of the quarantine rule, everyone was frantically scavenging every local grocery store to stock up on toilet paper, hand sanitizer, alcohol, and pasta sauce? Priorities, I suppose.

As week four of the stay at home mandate progresses, it seems like people, including myself, are finally coming to our senses. This is our reality for quite a while and, unfortunately, we just have to make the best of it.

On a positive note, some have taken this time to finally get to those tasks that sat on the back burner of their bucket list for months, even YEARS! The earth is slowly and noticeably healing in this time of stillness — a rare breath of fresh air for nature to regenerate itself.

Of course, there’s the hours and pages of heartbreaking news which consumes the media every day about Coronavirus’ increasing effect on the world. We can’t shake this unsettling truth that our futures are undetermined, our lives were flipped upside-down without any warning, and this all happened in the span of a month.

I want to flip the perspective on our current situation into a means for opportunity for anyone who is reading this. With all of this free time and elimination of distractions, the question is:


In 10, even 20 years, we will be telling the younger generations about this peculiar time we lived through like how our grandparents narrate their days of youth. “There was a few months in 2020 where we had to stay indoors, avoid human contact, and the entire world shut down because of a virus.” As epic as this sounds, what will follow that sentence next in your story? I can almost guarantee that our kids and grand kids will ask us in return, “What did you do with all that time at home?”

I’m a sucker for mindless, brain-numbing content like hopping on the bandwagon and getting a Nintendo Switch (which I am ashamed to say, I have almost logged 100 hours on…yikes). Tik Tok has also become extremely interesting and I probably would’ve never downloaded the damn app if this quarantine didn’t happen. Let’s be honest – even watching grass grow would fall into the category of entertaining nowadays. I even dyed my hair purple temporarily because, why not?

Week four is here and I look back to think about all that time I spent that could have been put towards something productive. While these activities are funny to share with my friends, they’re not helping me grow as an individual. I’m still the same me that entered quarantine a month ago, if anything, even lazier, more lethargic than before. The turning point was when my grandma begged me to stop serving my meal prep clients for geminieats. This was one of my worst fears since I started the business but an executive decision had to be made for the health and safety of everyone.

After listening to the TSC Podcast, my inner flames have ignited once again to claim back normalcy and optimize this rare opportunity. It’s been an emotional 2020 for everyone I believe but I have faith that we can come out of this stronger and enter 2021 more elevated than ever before.

I’m going to try my best to get back into writing, a dear passion of mines since I was young. It’s sad to say that it took an epidemic like this to get words on paper but the universe has sneaky ways of steering you in the right direction again. Perspective is everything and if we envision and manifest what could be such as a better future, a stronger self, a positive environment, that will become our reality even if we can’t physically see it right now.

2 Corinthians 4:18.

With Love,



Bryn Yasui