Movie Review: Dominion (2018)


When I first became vegan, what captured me about this lifestyle was the health aspect similar to most others who have been converting. It wasn’t until I watched documentaries with live footage of all the actions behind closed curtains. veganism slowly became more than just a diet transformation. My boss who is also vegan challenged me to watch this entire film from start to finish which didn’t seem hard. By that time I thought I had seen it all with the meat industry’s exposure and whatnot: Forks Over Knives, Cowspiracy, What the Health, and Earthlings. But this movie shook me to my core. I had to stop the movie multiple times just to catch my breath anxiously gasping at everything I was witnessing. Immediately after finishing it, I hopped on my computer and wrote an extremely emotional reflection of my thoughts just because I was so overwhelmed with emotions and thoughts, I had to purge it all out somehow. This is my honest opinion of the movie and a synopsis of the entire thing if you don’t have time to watch the movie or are terrified and want an overview to decide if you can handle it.

Everyone deserves life, love, respect, and freedom to be themselves. Unfortunately, not this is far from what the animals in our world today receive. In the lifetime of an animal used for food, entertainment, or apparel, none of these basic privileges are given to them — something that every living creature, regardless of species or race is well-earning of.

Dominion (2018) is an Australian documentary revealing the realities of our food industry’s top animals of choice. The film is the brainchild of talented writer and director Chris Delforce, passionate activists and the latest technology to capture how decades of high demand in the meat industry has resulted in permitting large corporations to treat animals immorally for humanity’s own selfish gain. Think modern-day Holocaust where the human race has seemingly taken control of nature. The one concept that both of these unspeakable events have in common is the idea of control and authority over others who are “inferior”.

The movie is divided into sections of the most popular animals to kill. Each segment unravels the horrific lives of species such as pigs, cows, chickens, turkeys, ducks, lambs, sheep, goats, rabbits, minks, foxes, horses, dogs, fish, even camels and more exotic animals. It is nearly impossible however to watch the atrocities committed uncensored here without cringing, shutting your eyes, or pausing the film to really think about why this is happening in our world today and why anyone would eat something they couldn’t handle knowing where it was sourced from.

Imagine an alternate universe where the media began to cover the behind-the scenes action of this industry. Some would call it inhumane, psychotic, or even straight up ungodly. Yet, we turn a blind eye and continue to live as if these sickening practices aren’t part of everyday life.

For less than a dollar, curious viewers or those who want to learn the cold hard truth about our world today, you will be left wondering why we allow such animosities to happen to creatures who are undeserving. The government and huge corporations exploit animals like items, retrospectively even worse than how one would treat an inanimate object. At what cost? Selfish monetary gain and gluttonous desire are what drive these operations. It’s about time light has been shed at full brightness on what has become of food production.

As you dare to watch this movie until the very end, the film merely asks you to do one simple task which can ultimately make a world of a difference. THINK. Be conscious of what is taking place behind closed curtains on this earth which we were meant to share with all animals. It goes without saying that there is unequal relationship with us and them. In the ethical case against humans, nothing is worth the pain and suffering we cause on these animals for our own fulfillment.

If you haven’t watched this spectacle, you can purchase the film for 24 hours at